
Moss Side Community Allotment is a group of people who work together with the purpose of growing organic produce and expanding our knowledge of growing food and community. What we grow and what we learn we share.

Our aim is to be an example of self sustainability and self sufficiency. We welcome people and groups who want to connect with us, dig with us, engage in growing and sharing knowledge and skills.

If you’d like to be involved, please get in touch on phdodd@hotmail.co.uk. Digging sessions run from 10 o’clock on most Saturday and Sunday mornings. You can also keep up with plans and developments via our Facebook group.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Allotment work – this weekend as usual | Cranswick Square Residents Group

  2. Pingback: Why it’s vital the organic food industry is given room to grow

  3. Pingback: Why it’s vital the organic food industry is given room to grow | Health City

  4. Pingback: Why its vital the organic food industry is given room to grow | marketspace

    • come and visit us Darius we’re there every Saturday and Sunday from 10am-2pm (later in the spring/summer) and if you add us on Facebook you can see when we’re down there during the week too xx

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