Little Shop of Hope

IMG_8697.JPGYesterday we finally got round to opening the creaky doors of our little shop.  A ramshackle edifice made of old mango wood pallets with a corrugated roof- it might not be big and mighty but it allows us to open our squeaky doors even wider to the community which surrounds us.

Here we will delight in sharing our harvest with others in exchange for donations and we hope that other members of the community will see it as a space where they can share their produce too.

In our Aladin’s cave you can find jams, pickles, fresh produce, vinegars, eggs, herbs and with much more to come as others bring more to the table.

To celebrate this grand occasion we brought food to the table to be shared by all and we had a good laugh in the garden, dreaming of all the delights we could offer there.  If you’d like to visit our little shop we will be open Saturdays and Sundays 11am-2pm and we will give notice of any times during the week we will be open too.

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